Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Last weekend we went to Arkansas for a family reunion. We took along our 3-year-old nephew for entertainment. Actually, we just thought it would be fun if he got to go; and we thought his parents might enjoy a break since they had just moved and were trying to get settled. For us, it turned out to be fun and entertaining.

My brother dropped him at our house about 9:30. We loaded up his gear and went inside to get my stuff. He picked up a pair of swimming goggles and tried them on. “Cool… everything is blue. Can I borrow these?” We were in the house for about 3 minutes, in which time he borrowed a small stuffed animal and the goggles.

Grandma (my mother) rode with us, too. Our first stop, and a major priority, was for hearing aid batteries. Then we were off. Every now and then we would ask Nathaniel, “Where are we going?” and he would shout, “Arkansas!” Obviously, the irony of such enthusiasm about a trip to Arkansas was lost on him, but it made the rest of us chuckle.

Nathaniel was hungry about half an hour into the trip, but we had to drop the dog off before we could stop to eat. We asked him what he wanted to eat, and he said, “A CHEETHEBURGER!”. Mark asked if he wouldn’t rather have buzzard, and he just said, “No, I want a cheethburger… and French frieth”. Throughout the weekend whenever we were discussing where and what we would eat, the same buzzard conversation came up. Sometimes he preferred a grilled cheese sandwich … and French fries. After we dropped off the dog, we went to the Hitchin’ Post in Pilot Knob and he got his cheeseburger and fries. The smallest one they had was 1/3 pound. He ate half of it – must have been starving.

On the way into the restaurant there was a large bubble gum machine. Uncle Mark promised him he could get some on the way out if he ate good. When I heard about this, I made it very clear that there would not be a 3-year-old with a big wad of bubble gum in my car. So we agreed upon Skittles, which were to be rationed.

When we saw the “Welcome to Arkansas” sign we hooped and hollered, “Yay, we’re in Arkansas! Yay!!” Just a piece down the road (hey, I AM in Arkansas now) we stopped at the Welcome Center. We took pictures by the big rock that had “Arkansas” carved into it. The ladies inside gave Nathaniel stickers and a lapel pin, and he was in hog heaven.

There were a few phrases we heard repeatedly. “Whatever you do, DON’T TOUCH DADDY’S MAIL” and “Get it in second gear”. We didn’t ask.

On the way home as the sun was going down, Nathaniel turned to Grandma in the back seat and prepared to take her dinner order.

Nathaniel: Grandma, what would you like to drink? Would you like a Sprite?

Grandma: Yes, I’d like a Sprite.

Nathaniel: What would you like to eat, Grandma?

Grandma: I think I’d like a cheeseburger.

Nathaniel: Would you like some French fries?

Grandma: Yes. Thank you.

Nathaniel: Okay, I’ll get that ready.

Nathaniel: Aunt Denise, what would you like to drink?

Me: I’d like a Sprite.

Nathaniel: Okay, and what would you like to eat, Aunt Denise?

Me: I’d like a cheeseburger and some French fries.

Nathaniel: Okay.

Nathaniel: Uncle Mark, what would you like?

Mark: I’d like a Sprite.

Nathaniel: What would you like to eat?

Mark: What do you have?

Nathaniel: We have buzzard.