Wednesday, July 1, 2009

10 Things that chap my hide (in no particular order):

Tailgaters. Especially the ones that don’t really want to drive any faster than you. They just can’t stand it that someone is in front of them.

Butt-er-up-ers. They’re in the same category as tailgaters. They think the world revolves around them.

Service companies that tell you the repairman will be there “early tomorrow morning”, then have to admit at 1:30 in the afternoon that they really don’t have any idea when he will show up.

Neighbors that mow their grass at 6:30 on Saturday mornings (when they’re retired and could do it anytime), but yell at your kids for making a little noise in the afternoon.

Telemarketers that act like you’re their long-lost buddy. They ask how I’m doing, how’s the weather, make small talk… and just when I think they’re going to ask “how’s the family?” or “how’s your mother?”, they’ll ask for my boss (by his first name, of course). When I tell them he’s not in, click.

Companies that change the amount of ingredients in a package rather than charging the extra twelve cents they need to keep up with their rising costs. For instance, flour that comes in a 4-1/2 pound bag, coconut that comes in 14 oz. packages instead of 16 oz., evaporated milk in a 12 oz. can when it used to be 13-1/2 oz. Don’t they know we all have recipes that are based on using the original amounts?

AFLAC sales reps that won’t tell you they’re with AFLAC until you squeeze it out of them. “What company are you with?” I’m with “American Family Life Assurance Co.” Sounds like American Family to most people – all your family’s protection under one roof. That’s the part they want you to hear, because they emphasize “American Family” and almost whisper the rest.

Sales people that won’t take a polite “no” for an answer (see above), especially the ones that insult your intelligence for not wanting their product or service. “Wouldn’t you like to save money?” No, I prefer to waste money and overspend whenever possible.

People that use the last of the toilet tissue and don’t replace it with a new roll.

Neighbors that let their dogs out at 6:15 every morning and let them bark incessantly for an hour or so.


Christy said...

My hide got a little chapped just reading the list. LOL

bloggin’ in b-flat said...

I almost put: Cranky old people that call the police on 6-year-olds for throwing a twig at their brick house.